“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalms‬ ‭23:4‬

There is only one place to turn to when you experience fear.

Your Lord Jesus Christ.

He will comfort you and give you hope. He will fill you with peace, joy, and love.

Fear is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. And there's a reason.

We all have fear. It is a natural, common feeling.

Yet the Lord tells us over and over again... exactly what we need to do with our fear.

We need to give it all to Him. We need to lay it at His feet and trust in His mighty name.

God in us...

Us in Him...

That is all way need to conquer any fear.

It may seem simple. And it is. Christ in us. The hope of glory. The victory for today. The joy for tomorrow. The peace for our every fear.

If we’re right with God… living in His presence… trusting Him for our guidance and joy… we have nothing to fear.

Let’s all trust in the Lord today. Let’s rest in Him. Let’s allow Him to conquer all our fear today!

Don't be afraid any longer!


  • Do you sometimes struggle with the idea of forgiveness? Read this article to find answers to some of the toughest questions as they relate to God’s love and His ability to forgive.

  • Do you have other questions about your faith? We have collected as many questions as we could, sorted them into groups, and written out answers. You can find them here.

  • Have you yet to give your life to Christ? Or maybe you have strayed away from Him. Turn to Him now. His grace and love is sufficient. Learn how here.