“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” – John 14:1 (NIV)

The Greek verb in the verse above for “troubled” means “to agitate” or “stir up.” My Son, Jesus, was telling his followers not to allow their emotions to spin out of control, but to instead trust in him. To let him be their anchor in the storms of this life. The same is true for you. No matter what happens in your life, trust in me.

Worry can certainty agitate or stir you up. It can keep you up at night. It can take over your thoughts. And how much more in these uncertain times! Worry can affect you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Instead of spending your energy on anxiety, I want you to turn to me. My promises are the stabilizer to agitated hearts.

Jesus’ word to his follower is my word to you today:

“Let not your heart be troubled.”

The circumstances of life are bound to challenge this. An unexpected phone call in the middle of the night, an untimely knock on the door, a “surprise” piece of mail, a pandemic that turns the whole world upside down—these are all things that have the potential to stir you up.

You can let the worry spin out of control or you can reach out to me.

Jesus went on to share a promise that towers above all the real and imagined troubles of this life:

“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” – John 14:2–3 (NIV)

What an anchor for the soul! No matter what may happen, you can count on this promise!


  • Read Matthew 6:31-34. What stands out to you in this passage?

  • Listen to this song based on the promises of John 14. Let the words sink in and wash over your worries.

  • Do you trust in this promise of God? Ask yourself why or why not? Then talk about it with a trusted Christian friend or pastor.